Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Truth About Eyelash Enhancing Serums

I have to admit, I didn’t want to take this assignment at first.

Before a few months ago I had never used an eyelash enhancer and when I was asked to review them, I told my editors "I don't feel comfortable reviewing something I've never personally used".

But then something happened... My friend Nancy Leggars was visiting me from San Diego and there was something different about Nancy.. Here eyelashes were huge!

I mean they were so long she could barely wear her glasses.. I totally thought she was wearing falsies.. But no, Nancy told me she had been using an eyelash enhancer!

After that, I was convincd I need to try these for myself and take the assignment. Here's what I found..

As you've probably seen, women are reporting amazing things about eyelash enhancers. Not only are women using them to repair damaged lashes back to their full potential, but also to support new lash growth, making their existing lashes longer, darker and much fuller... and let me tell you.. these things are noticeable.

But the real questions is.. which ones REALLY work? Companies looking to cash in on this cosmetics craze are releasing all sorts of eyelash treatments and many are not what they seem.

Naturally, these incredible claims have caused some women to be skeptical of the products and their promises, and a quick glance at the research shows why:

 *  They might not work- this is probably the biggest reason why some women are reluctant to try an enhancer, and with good reason: many of the products on the market don’t contain the proper ingredients in the proper concentration to produce results.

 *  They can be expensive- some enhancers can cost $125+ for a four week treatment!

 *  Some products can cause discoloration or irritation- thicker lashes aren’t much help if they’re attached to red, puffy eyes.

But how can you know which products are the good ones? How can you tell an eyelash enhancer that works from those that are simply a waste of money?

We know it's not easy to find an eyelash enhancer that works, and we felt like women shouldn’t have to hire a research assistant just to get one that produces results. That’s why we reviewed the products ourselves.

How We Researched

For an eyelash enhancer to work, it has to use the right amount of active ingredients that are responsible for growth.

Now, these ingredients are not cheap and many brands cut cost by only using meniscal amounts.

How do you tell which brands use the right amount of active ingredient?

It's easy. The higher up on the ingredient list the active ingredient is, the more of it is in the formula.

We looked at 47 different brands in all to find out which ones really use the right amount of active ingredient and have also been proven to grow your lashes.

Here's What We Found:

As we thought, the majority of eye lash enhancers do not use nearly enough of the expensive active ingredients required to support eyelash growth.

They claim to get results, but many only use basic mineral oils that that can be bought at any drug store for pennies on the dollar compared to the excessive prices these eyelash enhancers cost.

However, we did manage to find a few brands that do use the right amount of the high quality ingredients proven to be effective.

And boy do these brands work! Upon reading user stories of these products, we heard nothing but amazing results! Women report these products to do exactly what they claim. Many women with damaged eyelashes say these products have caused incredible results and that they would gladly spend the high price to buy them again. Other women say they've used other eyelashes with no result, but these products worked where those did not. Some women even report that these products work so well, they were able to stop wearing mascara to show off their eyelashes.

If you're looking for an eyelash enhancer, these are the products to use.

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