Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Air Pollution Bring Health Problems

With the whole world's economy leaps forward, the morern times comes. While people are enjoy the new product of information and modern times, more pollutants are spewed into the air. According to the statistics, In this society, the rising middle classes in large, formerly poor countries want the same privileges that have driving cars. Additionally, countries that entered the latter half of the 20th Century largely free of industry are now establishing it in order to jump into the 21st Century and bring their economies up to date. Many of these countries are understandably resentful of regulations that others try to foist on them because the already industrialized countries had their opportunity for unregulated and explosive industrial growth. And the increasing demands for cars, coupled with lowered restrictions on pollution output, in the U.S. continues to drive the air pollution machine. No matter where it comes from, however, air pollution causes health problems almost everywhere.

Respiratory problems are a very natural and scientifically established result of air pollution. While mild pollution is not awful for a healthy person in the prime of his or her life, polluting particles in the air can cause problems in children and in the elderly or the infirm. Additionally pollutants in the air can aggravate asthma symptoms and increase allergy symptoms. This can be annoying and dangerous to the health of some people.

But these respiratory problems are not all. Heavy air pollution can be damaging even to the most healthy of people. Mexico City, the largest city in the world, has major air pollution problems. It is said that just breathing the air each day is like smoking more than a pack of cigarettes. If the pollution is heavy enough, serious health problems, including cancer, can result from the toxins constantly breathed in through the air.

Mercury is another air pollution problem . It is a by product of many factories, and it is present in the particles spewed from the acme of smokestacks. As the mercury gets into the earths atmospheric system, it mingles with rain, which again avalanche into baptize and is captivated by fish. As beyond angle (like tuna) casualty on the smaller, they accept even college amounts. Even admitting angle is about healthy, there are some varieties that should be avoided. And it is recommended that no one eat added than two servings of angle per week. Pregnant women and accouchement should eat no added than one confined of some angle and should abstain bistro any of assertive types of fish, as the mercury can could cause defects and has been affiliated to adorning problems.

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